World Cities Day

world cities day

A livable planet begins with vibrant communities. As cities strive to enhance productivity and generate jobs, they confront rapid urbanization, population growth, and climate-related challenges. On World Cities Day (and every day), addressing these issues and supporting cities in emerging markets is more critical than ever. At IFC, we are committed to addressing these challenges by supporting cities in emerging markets to develop public infrastructure, foster inclusive economic growth, and combat climate change.

IFC is well-positioned to assist municipal leaders in addressing challenges and opportunities in the cities space. We foster long-term partnerships through direct engagement with subnational governments and their entities, as well as private-sector solution providers. We mobilize commercial financing for sustainable urban infrastructure projects, connect cities with capital markets, and help diversify their funding sources. We leverage the capabilities and products of the World Bank Group and private sector expertise and offer comprehensive financing solutions to cities to enhance private capital mobilization.

We build client capacity to facilitate the implementation of sustainable infrastructure projects by delivering a vast suite of demand-driven advisory services to assist with sector related issues, project development and project enhancement. Through Utilities for Climate (U4C), IFC supports water utilities to find climate friendly solutions to their challenges by providing investment and advisory products, and access to a global network of utilities for partnership and knowledge exchange.

Success Stories: IFC’s Contributions to Cities

A Beautiful Friendship – IFC Celebrates 60 Years in Morocco

Cities, currently home to 4.4 billion people, generate 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions (Source: UN DESA). This video spotlights Ekurhuleni, South Africa's third-largest city, and its commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Beyond infrastructure enhancements in water, electricity, and transportation systems, IFC and SECO have helped shape Ekurhuleni's future by assisting in the development of a comprehensive 10-year Green City Action Plan.

Boosting Infrastructure in Cape Town

How Lessons from the Past are Shaping Izmir’s Future 

Empowering Cities with Private Sector Solutions

IFC utilizes a wide range of tools and initiatives to support cities scale up much needed investments in their urban infrastructure. Some important initiatives include: