
Banking on Women

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Gender-focused and climate finance solutions are at the top of IFC’s private sector development priorities.

IFC's Banking on Women Program

IFC’s Banking on Women Business Achieves a $4 Billion Milestone

IFC’s Banking on Women business has helped catalyze sustainable financial services for women and women-owned SMEs in emerging markets globally including through the landmark Women Entrepreneurs Bond with Bank of Ayudhya in Thailand; through advisory services collaboration with partners such as Ghazanfar Bank in Afghanistan and Stanbic Bank in Kenya; and through investing in partners in Brazil such as Banco SantanderItau Unibanco, and Banco Daycoval.

Gender-focused and climate finance solutions are at the top of IFC’s private sector development priorities. This year, IFC focused on abating the negative impacts of COVID-19 for companies, communities, and countries through initiatives like the WCS COVID-19 Facility, the BOW-Global Trade Finance Initiative, and the Base of the Pyramid Facility. Next year, IFC will continue expanding gender-lens approaches into its business areas, including MSME finance, climate finance, fintech and digital finance, housing and asset finance, insurance, trade finance, and capital markets through Gender Bond instruments.


Insights & Reports

Stories of Impact

The impact of IFC clients in 2021:

  • 741 K Women employed by IFC direct investment clients
  • 54% of IFC's nominations for board positions were women
  • 727 K SME loans made to women-owned enterprises
  • $35.6 B in SME loans to women-owned enterprises

At a Glance

As of July 2023, IFC’s Banking on Women business has mobilized and invested US$4.3 billion in financial institutions, specifically to finance women-led SMEs. Since its launch, IFC’s Banking on Women business has been providing financial and business solutions to women-led SMEs through its financial institution partners, with 251 investment and advisory services projects in 76 countries, and an estimated 38% of the projects are in IDA and Fragile and Conflict-Affected situations (FCS).