End Poverty Day 2024

Celebrating Progress, Driving Private Sector Solutions

Celebrating Progress, Driving Private Sector Solutions

IFC: Driving Private Sector Growth for a World Without Poverty

As a member of the World Bank Group, IFC is the largest global development institution focused exclusively on the private sector. In our effort to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet, we have delivered nearly $250 billion in financing to businesses in emerging markets. With a presence in over 100 countries and partnerships with hundreds of financial institutions and firms, IFC is leading the charge to unlock private investment in emerging markets.

Tackling Global Challenges: The Role of IFC in Ending Poverty and Boosting Shared Prosperity on a Livable Planet

The Poverty, Prosperity, and Planet Report 2024: Pathways Out of the Polycrisis offers the first post-pandemic assessment of global progress on ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity on a livable planet.  It highlights that progress has slowed, with 2020–2030 set to be a lost decade. Extreme poverty, defined as living on less than $2.15 a day, now affects 8.5% of the global population. 44 percent of the global population – around 3.5 billion people – live today on less than $6.85 per day, the poverty line more relevant for upper-middle-income countries.

Global poverty reduction and improvements in shared prosperity have stalled amid overlapping and interconnected crises including  slow economic growth, conflict and fragility, and climate-related shocks.

IFC’s strategic investments focus on reversing these trends by:

Key Findings of the Poverty, Prosperity, and Planet Report 2024

  • Almost half the global population – around 3.5 billion people – live today on less than $6.85 per day, the poverty line for upper-middle-income countries, while almost 700 million people live today in extreme poverty, on less than $2.15 per day.
  •  Around one-fifth of the world’s population still lives in economies with high inequality climate change is a major threat to poverty reduction. Nearly 1 in 5 people globally are likely to experience a severe weather shock in their lifetime from which they will struggle to recover.
  • It is critical to promote sustainable investments, mitigate climate risks, and create opportunities that foster inclusive growth.


The Importance of IDA21 and IFC’s Role in Private-Sector-Driven Development

The IDA21 Replenishment is a critical initiative in 2024, aiming to secure resources to support the world’s poorest countries. This final stage of IDA21 will mobilize crucial funding for countries at risk of reversing hard-won poverty gains due to climate change, debt distress, and stagnating economic growth.

Mobilizing Private Capital

IFC plays a key role in catalyzing private sector investments in IDA countries, helping create stable and sustainable economies.

Job Creation and Economic Resilience

IFC-led projects focus on fostering partnerships that drive economic development in fragile and conflict-affected areas, with an emphasis on job creation and infrastructure development.

Climate Resilience

IFC is spearheading projects that support climate adaptation and sustainable investments, aligning with IDA21’s focus on building resilience in the world’s poorest and most climate-vulnerable regions.

IDA21 will ensure that the fight against poverty does not exacerbate the debt burdens of vulnerable countries, providing essential grants and concessional financing.


Our impact extends beyond dollars and policy reforms. We plant seeds of human potential in the world's toughest soil, creating jobs and unlocking innovation that lifts millions out of poverty

Driving Growth Through Private Sector Innovation

For over 60 years, IFC has led the way in impact investing, focusing on some of the most challenging environments in emerging markets. By partnering with private investors and development finance institutions, we have mobilized the financing necessary to work towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This collaboration has driven transformative change in fragile economies, ensuring that the benefits of growth reach those most in need.

At the heart of sustainable poverty reduction is private sector growth. IFC unlocks this potential by providing critical financing, investment, and advisory services to businesses across developing countries. By empowering entrepreneurs and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly in low-income regions, IFC creates jobs, drives innovation, and builds economic resilience that can withstand future challenges.