IFC’s Strategic Alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

IFC operations contribute to several SDGs through direct investments and advisory services.


Integral to IFC’s mandate and aligned with the World Bank Group’s goals are SDGs 1 and 10: “No Poverty” and “Reduced Inequalities.” At the strategic sector level, IFC promotes projects in infrastructure, agriculture, financial inclusion, health, and education —aligned with SDGs 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9.

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IFC also actively partners with private investors to mobilize new sources of finance— aligned with SDG 17. IFC continues to promote job creation and economic growth, gender equality, cities development, environmental and social sustainability, and climate-change adaptation and mitigation — aligned with SDGs 8, 5, 11, 14, 15, 12, and 13 respectively. 

IFC’s clients’ contribution to the SDGs is highlighted on the IFC SDG Dashboard below. 

IFC, together with other development finance institution (DFIs) (also Harmonized Indicators for Private Sector Operations (HIPSO) partners), has developed a common methodology to align DFI contributions with the SDGs, available for broader use by private impact investors and corporates.

Additional information is available at: https://indicators.ifipartnership.org/dashboard/.

IFC clients’ contribution to the SDGs

IFC SDG Dashboard


Deepa Chakrapani
Manager, Development Impact Measurement
Washington D.C.
Alan Lukoma
Results Measurement Specialist
Washington D.C.

Last updated: December 2024