
Post-construction Bird and Bat Fatality Monitoring for Onshore Wind Energy Facilities in Emerging Market Countries

September 11, 2023

Good Practice Handbook and Decision Support Tool

The global wind industry is on the cusp of unparalleled expansion, and it is imperative that biodiversity be protected while such growth is achieved. Onshore wind energy facilities have potentially significant impacts on wildlife, particularly birds and bats, through collision impacts. To address this issue, IFC, along with EBRD and KfW, have developed the Good Practice Handbook on Post-construction Bird and Bat Fatality Monitoring (PCFM) for Onshore Wind Energy Facilities (WEFs) in Emerging Market Countries and its Decision Support Tool (DST).

This resource is designed for industry, governments, and conservation groups and provides practical guidance on the design and implementation of PCFM methodology at WEFs that aligns with Good International Industry Practice. It also helps promote the global standardization in methodologies for monitoring bird and bat fatalities so that fatality rates can be better compared across sites, landscapes, countries, and regions. Although the Handbook is principally designed to account for collision risks, the methods were developed also to assess impacts of electrocution on birds and bats at associated power lines.
