Market Analysis

Necessary Ambition: How Low-Income Countries Are Adopting Sustainable Finance to Address Poverty, Climate Change, and Other Urgent Challenges

June 21, 2020

Necessary Ambition: How Low-Income Countries Are Adopting Sustainable Finance to Address Poverty, Climate Change, and Other Urgent Challenges, along with its 16 case studies, 8 country reports, and a set of tools to support decisions in developing and implementing sustainable finance roadmaps, is the first comprehensive review of drivers and innovation behind market-level efforts to promote sustainable finance in low-income countries.

The study finds that sustainable finance has emerged as a pathway for low-income countries to de-risk investments and enable the financial flows needed to support climate action and sustainable development. Sustainable Banking Network (SBN) countries recognize that transitioning to sustainable financial systems is critical to their futures.


8 Country Reports

Bangladesh | Cambodia | Ghana | Kenya | Kyrgyzstan | Mongolia | Nepal | Nigeria