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This session introduces MALENA – IFC’s Machine Learning ESG Analyst. MALENA is an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered, analytics platform and virtual analyst, trained using IFC's unique historical datasets generated through 15+ years of project environmental, social, and governance (ESG) due diligence and portfolio management. These datasets include content related to ESG, climate, gender, and infrastructure risks and cover all the countries in which IFC conducts business, including those classified as fragile and conflict-affected. MALENA uses natural language processing (NLP) techniques to identify ESG risk terms in sentences and predict if these terms occur in a positive, negative, or neutral context. IFC's Performance Standards and Corporate Governance Methodology provide MALENA's ESG taxonomy of 1200+ risk terms. MALENA can organize information in many ways, including several ESG topics, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), companies, countries, and sectors. With the ability to screen large amounts of information, MALENA creates analytical capacity at scale and enables emerging market investors to rapidly identify risks and address issues early in the investment cycle, enabling mitigation against adverse ESG outcomes.
Principal Environmental Specialist
International Finance Corporation
Operations Analyst
International Finance Corporation
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