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The OECD estimates $2.5 trillion in financing needs in developing countries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). IFC has estimated over $23 trillion in investment opportunities in emerging markets to address climate change mitigation and adaptation. Sustainable finance frameworks are more important than ever to help countries reduce environmental and social risks and unlock opportunities in sustainability-focused finance.
This free webinar presents exclusive country insights from SBFN’s 2021 Global Progress Report: Accelerating Sustainable Finance Together: Evidence of Policy innovations and Market Actions across 43 Emerging Markets, to be launched in late October. Supported by 30+ Country Reports, SBFN’s Global Report is the most comprehensive benchmarking of national sustainable finance initiatives across emerging markets. It applies a measurement framework informed and agreed by SBFN members based on their practical experiences. The 2021 report is based on country-level data shared by SBFN members, interviews with over 40 countries, and extensive data collection carried out by the SBFN Secretariat throughout 2021.
IFC Vice President, Alfonso Garcia Mora, will join high-level representatives from SBFN member institutions to discuss how emerging markets are shifting their financial sectors to sustainable finance practices. They will explore how collaboration, both within countries and across borders, can accelerate this process.
The Sustainable Banking and Finance Network (SBFN) —formerly the Sustainable Banking Network —now represents 43 countries, 63 institutions (central banks, supervisors, capital market regulators, ministries of finance, ministries of environment, and banking associations) from the emerging markets. Launched in 2021, it is facilitated by IFC as Secretariat and technical partner, and supported by the World Bank Group.
This webinar is intended solely to provide information to the public.
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