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Hydropower is an important source of electricity for Nepal. However, hydropower projects (HPPs) inevitably have negative impacts on the aquatic species and habitats of the Himalayan rivers in which the HPPs are located. Dams change the flow, water temperature, sediment transport and aquatic habitats, and block fish migration. HPPs can also have severe impacts on the natural resources and livelihoods of the people living in the watershed. Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) for mitigating HPP impacts from around the world show examples of design and successfully implemented engineering and ecological solutions to reduce HPP impacts on aquatic biodiversity, while maintaining electricity production; including fish passage (ladders, lifts, bypass channels), EFlows, modifying and regulating peaking regimes, river bed restoration, as well as guidance systems and barriers for downstream fish migration. In this webinar, examples of GIIP for reducing impacts of hydropower on aquatic biodiversity will be presented and their applicability for Nepal will be discussed with participants.
Research Scientist
SINTEF Energy Research, Norway
Research Scientist
SINTEF Energy Research, Norway
Technical Manager
Hagler Bailly Pakistan
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